Stage Reading Series Pass Choose Quantity & Amount
This Pass is redeemable for one ticket to each show in our Stage Reading Series including our Pride Reading.
Readings in the 2024/2025 Series are:
Monday September 30th - The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov
Saturday October 12th - (celebrating National Day of Action for MMIWG2S) - Women of the Fur Trade by Frances Koncan
Monday November 11th - (celebrating Remembrance Day) - Bluebirds by Vern Thiessen
Saturday January 4th - Grounded by John Spurway
Sunday February 23rd - (celebrating Black History month) - Fences by August Wilson
Saturday March 22nd - (celebrating International Women's Day) - Les Belles Soeurs by Michel Tremblay
Saturday April 12th - Hilda’s Yard by Norm Foster
Saturday May 17th - (celebrating Pride) Drag Queens in Outer Space by Sky Gilbert